Thursday, January 21, 2010

Beginning Beekeeping Course

I met with the local beekeepers the other night and between all of us, we put together a course for those interested in becoming beekeepers. The first class will be on Feb 9. We have to limit the number of people to 40, so register sooner rather than later. Here's a link to my webpage where you can get more information.

We've got some very, very experienced speakers who will be leading the sessions.

And I checked with the City of Somerset -- there are no ordinances that address keeping bees within city limits. You just need to be a good neighbor.

Insects are needed to pollinate about 1/3 of the food in humans' diets. Honeybees account for 80% of this. Apples, blueberries, strawberries, cucumber, watermelons, and muskmelon -- just think what it would be like without them. Not good.

Hope many of you get excited about honeybees by attending this short course.

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