Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Images of Christmas Eve Eve

It took me reading Garden Rant to understand how to make a cool collage of my pictures using Picasa 3. Pretty funny how you can learn other useful things besides gardening things on a website that is supposed to be mostly about growing plants.

Anyway, my clipsabove show what's happening at the office today. Monday (yesterday) morning, it was 4 degrees at my house. This morning, a balmy 20. Nevertheless, the crimson clover (upper left) got nipped. The garlic got a little nipped too, but it's only showing some yellow.

Have a Wonderful Holiday! And Happy New Year!
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Friday, December 12, 2008

Green in the Middle of Gray

It has been gray, dreary, and wet over the last couple of days. Just what you expect about this time of the year, although I could have waited til January.

However, I've been thinking and writing a lot about green gardening over the past week. I've been writing my next newsletter and I've devoted it to this green gardening topic. It is full of tips, advice, and preaching.

I truly think we (the American consumer) have come to a point where we have to do something. And we're probably 20 years too late. True, dirt-under-the-fingernails-and-proud-of-it gardeners are mostly sustainable, I believe. They understand all the intricate processes, the delicate balances, the lowly life forms that make it all happen.

It's the pseudo-gardeners I'm worried about who just want things to look good. Weed-free, lush, insect-free (and I mean ALL insects, click here for a scary story)....all those things that we PERCEIVE as being pleasing to the eye. Those are the ' gardeners' who rarely venture out into their gardens to really see what's going on and those who believe that throwing out more synthetic fertilizers and pesticides is the only way to a beautiful landscape.

I'm proud to say I do things as sustainably, as green, as environmentally sound, as I possibly can at home and here at the office. I know I'll get some comments, so go ahead.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Cold December - But Bright Spots in the Garden

We all think that after a good killing frost (or in our case, a half dozen), that's it. Garden's done, no more fun, no more color.

I snapped a few pictures of our garden here at the office just a minute ago and I beg to differ about there being no color -- these photos will prove it!

Red twig dogwood!

American Beautyberry!

Garlic! (among the chickweed)

Ornamental cabbages!

Kale! 'Redbor' and 'Winterbor'

And just for kicks, I found this very large, very weird fungus a-growin' out of one of our crossties. It's obviously done some 'sporulating' as can be seen by the hole in it.

Happy Holidays!