Friday, December 05, 2008

Cold December - But Bright Spots in the Garden

We all think that after a good killing frost (or in our case, a half dozen), that's it. Garden's done, no more fun, no more color.

I snapped a few pictures of our garden here at the office just a minute ago and I beg to differ about there being no color -- these photos will prove it!

Red twig dogwood!

American Beautyberry!

Garlic! (among the chickweed)

Ornamental cabbages!

Kale! 'Redbor' and 'Winterbor'

And just for kicks, I found this very large, very weird fungus a-growin' out of one of our crossties. It's obviously done some 'sporulating' as can be seen by the hole in it.

Happy Holidays!

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