The gardens at the Extension House look very good this year. I'm including some images just snapped today:

This is 'Bright Lights' swiss chard that overwintered from last year. It is now producing seedheads. Pretty cool. Think I'll harvest and plant some of the seed next year -- we might find some really interesting colors!

This is American beautyberry (Callicarpa americana). It's big show is when these berries (now green) turn fuschia pink in the fall. Can't wait!

'Nikko Blue' hydrangea. Wow! We didn't get any blooms last year due to the April freeze, but look at it now. Covered in blue blooms.

This is a Master Gardener creation -- the herb garden. It features 3 different parsleys, 5 different basils, scented geraniums, borage, nasturtiums, thyme -- you name it, it's here at the office.

Well, the kale I planted earlier had a bit of a problem. A Master Gardener and I had a slight miscommunication and most of the seed I had sowed got a good tilling. So, one poor soul did survive, but outside of the raised bed. Kinda funny. But pretty, nevertheless.

Lastly, this is 'Eight Ball' zucchini. You can see -- it forms round zukes instead of the elongated, normal types. They are different, but are a zucchini, nothing fancy.
Hope everyone is having a great summer!