Friday, April 17, 2009

Cover Crops -- Built-in Nitrogen

Just today, Greg B came by and helped me take down the crimson clover and the kale which had both overwintered in my small raised bed gardens by the Extension office. We took a weedeater and cut them down, then took a little tiller and whisked them into the soil.

Here are before and after photos:

First is the kale
Second is the crimson clover

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Here's a few shots of the gardens at the Extension office.

Weeping redbud to the left.
Next is our less than one-year old European larch (Larix decidua 'Pendula')
Next is our Redtwig dogwood just breaking bud.
Last is our 'Carol Mackie' Daphne which is almost unpleasingly sweetly scented.